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Monday, June 23, 2008


On Saturday we also finished our third day for the second class. Below you will find the work. Many thanks to Cate, Peggy, Pauline, Joanne, Sharon, Suzanne, Jane, Linda, Carol, Linda, and Marlene, for and enjoyable time. It was fun to meet all of you and you are to be congratulated on your work.
The portrait after the background fabrics were chosen.
The subject who came for a visit.

A cow with her calf and a familiar barn in the background.

Great work from a student who had never free motioned before.

Lovely fabric choices and delicate cutting. This is one of four cats. Notice the interesting background.
The photo and the fabric piece. Love that tongue.

Here is trouble once again. The background fabric is the same as the quilt in the picture.

A totally framed and finished piece.

A fabulous rooster with excellent fabric choices.

While we were busy sewing inside ,there was a lovely show in the back garden outside at the Country Quilter. Below is the finished piece welcoming everyone in.

It was fun to see old friends and Elaine was artist in residence for the event.

Quilts on clotheslines, what a lovely picture!

The weather was perfect!

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